Feeding the cat: mistakes not to be made

To please our cats and dogs, we sometimes commit odd ones that can have real consequences for their health and well-being. This is particularly the case when it comes to feeding.

A veterinarian and journalist, Laetitia Barlerin discusses the mistakes that should not be made when we feed our 4-legged companions, otherwise the health of her cat or dog is jeopardized.

1. Feeding it as we do

Dogs and cats are carnivores and not omnivores! Preparing a diet close to ours or giving them leftovers leads to deficiencies and excesses, with a high risk of obesity.

2. Vary your meals

Uniformity is not necessarily synonymous with monotony. Our animals are satisfied with the same food provided it is complete and balanced. Their intestinal microbial flora, which intervenes in digestion, has difficulty adapting to a dietary change. A two-week transition is essential.

3. Make it a "viandivore"

To give food only meat under the pretext that it is carnivore is a heresy! Meat, which represents the muscles of a carcass, can not by itself satisfy its nutritional needs. It should be supplemented with green vegetables, cereals, oil, minerals and vitamins.

4. Mistaken in Species

Cat food is not suitable for dogs and vice versa. Domesticated 6000 years before the cat, the dog saw his diet substantially evolve in contact with man. That of the cat has not moved. Ignoring differences has far-reaching consequences.

5. Abuse of sweets

Thinking of making him happy, you compromise your companion's nutritional balance and promote his overweight. Giving a small biscuit to a Cocker is equivalent to giving it a hamburger while 30 gr of cheese ingested by a cat represent 5 chocolate bars! Your pet will always prefer hugs, games and attention to sweet and sweet treats quickly swallowed.

6. Give milk

Cow's milk is harmful to the health of your pet regardless of its age. It can not replace the milk of cat or dog because too diluted, low in protein and lipids, it causes a growth retardation in the young. Very rich in lactose (milk sugar), it causes digestive disorders in adults.

7. To yield to his whims

Does your cat only want to eat liver or tuna and disdain its croquettes? Caution, because these foods are rich in vitamin A which, in excess in the body, painfully blocks the joints!

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